


We are committed to the Bible and its instruction and have several opportunities to grow and deepen your knowledge of the Scriptures.

Sunday Bible Classes Directly after service on Sundays (except the first Sunday when we enjoy a potluck), we have Bible classes downstairs in the lower rooms for adults and kids (pre-school through 12th grade). This is a great time for fellowship while you strengthen your faith in the Word.

Mid-Week Bible Studies Every Wednesday from 10 to 11:30 AM, we have men’s and ladies Bible studies downstairs in the lower room. These gatherings are an opportunity to study God’s Word, build relationships, pray, and strengthen your walk with Jesus. For more details contact: Jim Mitchell at for the men’s study.


Prayer is not only our vocation but also our joy as we are privileged to partner with God to bless others and advance His Kingdom. We make it our practice to pray in every gathering, but we also have a dedicated prayer times and a prayer chain:

Wednesday Potluck and Prayer Every Wednesday, we meet at 5pm in the lower room to enjoy a meal and fellowship together and to intercede for our leaders and what is happening in our nation, state, and local community. Take your place on the wall and stand in the gap as we seek God and pray for His will to be done.

Prayer Chain This is an email network within the church wherein people can submit a prayer request so that their need can be lifted up and covered in prayer. If you have a need or want to serve on the prayer chain, then contact Pastor Steve at


We want to cultivate lifestyles of worship as we honor the Lord with our lives and with the sacrifice of heartfelt praise and song. We desire to create an atmosphere in the church of adoration and as a place where the presence of God is known and enjoyed.


Morning Star takes seriously the call to “go” and reach the nations and our local community with the love and Good News of Jesus Christ. A large part of our budget goes to supporting missionaries around the world in addition to several ministries here in the US and locally. Here are few outreach ministries in the area you can support and get involved in:

Food Pantry This is a weekly ministry, every Friday morning at 10:30 AM, providing food and provisions to anyone in need in the Red Feather Lakes community. This is a cooperative ministry with multiple organizations, and it is located at Chapel in the Pines (23947 W County Rd 74E, Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545).

Mountain Ministries: Our heart is to reach out to those in need on the mountain and to use our resources to help. Mountain Ministries is an outreach to serve those struggling to stay independent in their home. We have a dedicated Outreach Coordinator to assess a person's needs and help in providing solutions. If you know someone that is struggling and that needs assistance with household improvements, medical transportation, heating assistance, etc., then please reach out and contact Annie Scott at (970) 294-2646 or

Community Building

We are a church family, and we encourage everyone to build and deepen relationships with other brothers and sisters. Healthy and godly community relationships can be the biggest source of support, encouragement, and spiritual growth. No matter what your age or demographic, there are many avenues to connect with others:

Weekly Potluck Every Wednesday from 5:00 to 7:00 PM we have a potluck down in the lower room to share with others. Pastor Steve leads this meeting; after the meal, time is given for a short Bible study and time of prayer. For more details contact Pastor Steve at

Monthly Potluck The first Sunday of every month we enjoy communion, and, after service, we share a potluck meal down in the lower room. This is an easy and relaxed way to enjoy some delicious food and drink while you build relationships with others in the church.

Men’s Breakfast On the second Saturday of the month (usually), the men gather down in the lower room at 9:00AM for a home-cooked and tasty breakfast with all the fixings. During the meal, there is a speaker who will share their testimony or give a brief encouraging word. For more details contact Pastor Steve at

Revive Youth Group On the first and third Tuesdays of the month (usually), 6th-12th graders are welcome to join us at the church from 6:30pm-8:30pm for worship, a Biblical message, snacks, games, and great fellowship time! We also have different fun events at least once a month.